Our mission is to provide resources and support for the local Asian, South Asian, Pacific Islander American community, and increase the visibility and representation of the Asian American diaspora in Evanston’s civic, cultural and community spaces through the arts.
Current Research & Data on Asian Americans in the US
Curricular Resources:
Asian American Education Project
So You Want To Teach Asian American History? These Educators Are Here To Help
Learning for Justice - Toolkit for "I Am Asian American"
Asian American History Curriculum
Chinese American Immigrant History
Asian American History
Brilliant Boba
Cross-Racial Solidarity Movements & the Formation of the Asian American Identity
One Book One World - Lesson Plans and Resources
Smithsonian Asian Pacific American Center Resources
Advancing Justice | Chicago and the TEAACH Coalition created the following resources to support educators in teaching Asian American history:
Sample Scope & Sequence for Grades 6-12: Integrating Asian American History into Social Studies
Sample Asian American high school elective course outline: Created by Albert Chan, social studies teacher at Niles North and Niles West High Schools email
Asian American Education Resource Database: K-8 Resources (Airtable)
Asian American Education Resource Database: 9-12 Resources (Airtable)

"Creativity is the key to human liberation."
- grace lee boggs
How-To Videos
ASPA Booklists
Check out the winners from the APALA (Asian/Pacific American Librarians Association, a division of the American Library Association) Literature Awards 2005-2021
Asian Pacific American Library Association Book Awards List
Evanston Public Library
Recent Asian/Pacific American Awards Picture Book Winners and Honor Titles
Recent Asian/Pacific American Awards Children’s Literature (Middle Grade) Winners and Honor Titles
Skokie Public Library
A Literary Guide to Combat Anti-Asian Racism in America
Essential Nonfiction Exploring Asian Culture and Asian American Experiences
Asian American Authors - Searching for Clues, Love, and Magic (and Zombies!?)
Chicago Public Library
Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month 2021 for Kids
LA Times
A Reading Guide on the Asian American Experience from Viet Thanh Nguyen, Charles Yu and More
Social Justice Books
ASPA-Owned Bookstores
The Dial (local)
Femme Fire Books
The Lev
Narrated Objects
Paragon Book Gallery (local)
Philippine Expressions Bookshop
Tahanan Books